Words Find Their Home in Silence

With Words Find Their Home in Silence, Ahra Cho brings to light the ephemeral impressions of her world through multiple modes of communication. The installation brings to the gallery fields of color, form, and texture dispersed across media, including painted works, poetry, and ceramic pieces. This series of material exchanges acts as an entry point for the viewer to engage with Cho’s language of ambiguity.

Externalizing her own search for meaning and beauty through these expressions allows Cho to create objects of permanence in reaction to a deep sense of her world’s liminality. Time slows as feelings and stories from the past overlap with the present, connecting the artist and audience through fleeting moments of life shared by an understanding deeper than written or spoken language.

  • Curator

  • Box13 ArtSpace exhibits experimental works not previously shown in Houston. As a response to this exhibition prompt, Ahra Cho (a resident member of the communal studio space) and I collaborated to curate her first solo exhibition. We crafted an exhibition proposal, working together to develop an exhibit based on the major themes of her work.

    Upon the invitation to show Ahra’s work in the space, together we refined the concepts and layout of the show while the artist produced dozens of new works. We sourced the services and materials needed to install in the space, and collaborated on the promotional materials and outreach for the exhibition and opening event.

  • About Ahra Cho: Born in 1990, South Korea, and after study in Houston, the Netherlands, and New York, Ahra Cho received her BFA at the School of Visual Arts, New York, and has established her studio practice in Houston.

    Images: Kaitlyn Ellison